Warung Online

Jual Kamboja Kering Dan Basah

Pohon kamboja, khususnya kamboja berbunga putih (Plumeira alba), masih dipandang sebelah mata. Sebab, kebanyakan tanaman ini tumbuh di kuburan. Tidak jarang, orang menyebutnya sebagai bunga kuburan. Bunganya yang telah dikeringkan, lantas ditumbuk halus, banyak dipakai sebagai bahan baku wewangian, kosmetik, industri kerajinan dupa, spa, serta teh herbal. Untuk harga perkilo, kami tidak mematok harga paten dikarenakan harga yang tidak stabil dan berubah sewaktu-waktu. Jika anda berminat, silahkan hubungi kami atau jika anda ada di Banjarmasin, bisa datang langsung ke tempat kami.
Dikirim oleh : Kamboja Kering, banjarmasin, 081334232727 | Kunjungi Website

Dijual Rumah ada sarang Walet-Tulungagung

Dijual Rumah Murah ada sarang Walet lengkap Dengan Instalasi Speaker, lb 90m2 sarang walet 3x7m diatas ada kolam, rumah monyet untuk walet 2x2m. Harga 175juta tanpa perantara Bila ada yang berminat langsung hubungi kami
Dikirim oleh : Rumah Murah, Bangoan kedungwaru Tulungagung, 081351015777 | Kunjungi Website

TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.3010.5 Portable

TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.3010.5 Portable | 35.3MB

Get the brand-new TuneUp Utilities™ 2012!
The Most Powerful TuneUp Utilities of All Time!
    Boosts PC speed by up to 50%, all thanks to Program Deactivator 2012
    Extends battery life with an all-new TuneUp Economy Mode
    Saves power by up to 30% and upgrades PCs with an enhanced power management
    30 tools in 1: more speed, better stability, less problems

Discover All New Features
It’s Windows® like you’ve never seen it before, all thanks to two truly unique technologies built into TuneUp Utilities™ 2012. 

Our revamped Program Deactivator restores over 50% of speed and free space on bogged-down PCs, while TuneUp Economy Mode improves battery life by up to 30% and is nothing short of an energy-saving miracle. 

And now it’s easier than ever to optimize your PC thanks to our fully redesigned Start Center.

TuneUp Economy Mode NEW!

TuneUp Program Deactivator
Improve Performance and Battery Life
Massive performance loss and unbearable slowdowns don’t just occur on ancient Windows® XP machines. As a matter of fact, they oftentimes hit even the fastest Windows® 7 laptops and desktops around. But not anymore!

TuneUp Utilities™ 2012 takes your PC to the next performance level, guaranteeing lightning-fast application load times and extended battery life that can endure even the longest trips.

TuneUp Program Deactivator
Fully automated!
TuneUp Economy Mode NEW!
Turbo Mode
TuneUp Live Optimization
Disable startup programs
Accelerate system startup and shutdown
Defragment hard disk
Take Care of Your PC and Data Clutter
The perfect PC cleanup in less than 5 minutes? Now it’s easier than ever thanks to TuneUp Utilities™ 2012 which removes thousands of megabytes of Windows® clutter while refreshing your registry and deleting massive disk space hogs. The all-in-one maintenance of TuneUp Utilities™ 2012 makes sure your PC becomes cleaner and faster than ever before.

1-Click-Maintenance & Automatic Maintenance
Clean hard disk
Uninstall unneeded programs
Defragment, Clean and Edit the Registry
Find and Delete Large Amounts of Data
Remove Broken Shortcuts
Restore and Secure-Wipe Files
Keeping your data private and secure is crucial. TuneUp Utilities™ top three tools enable you to restore accidentally deleted files, clean out data traces from your hard disk, and securely wipe sensitive files in order to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Restore deleted files
Clean hard disk
Delete files safely
Analyze and troubleshoot your PC
Tired of calling up PC experts or costly tech hotlines? Then help yourself with TuneUp Utilities™. Its easy-to-use wizards and diagnostic tools help you find vulnerabilities, errors, and your PC’s untapped performance potential. With TuneUp Utilities™ you’ll get rid of the most annoying Windows® problems of all time with just a few clicks and push your PC to perform better than ever.

Show system information
Status & recommendations (category)
Optimization status
Increase performance - recommendations
Program rating
Display and close running processes
Detect and fix problems
Check hard disk for errors
Personalize Windows®
Bored with the same Windows® themes, logon screens or icons? Ready to give your PC a makeover? TuneUp Utilities™ 2012 offers unique customization possibilities that’ll transform the same old and boring Windows® XP “Luna” and Windows® 7 “Aero” design to something new, sleek, and exciting. And once you’re done with that, TuneUp System Control helps you adjust more than 400 hidden Windows® and program settings.

Customize the appearance of Windows® (TuneUp Styler)
Customize options and behaviors (TuneUp System Control)
More Great Features
With its elegant and powerful Start Center interface, TuneUp Utilities™ guides users through all their optimization steps and helps them solve issues with their PC, Windows®, or 3rd party software. Thanks to our brand new Settings Center, you’ll also have instant access to the most important settings and update features of TuneUp Utilities™ 2012. And once you’re done, the Optimization Report provides you with a complete history of problems solved, tuning steps performed, and data clutter removed.

Start Center NEW!
Overview of all functions Enhanced!
TuneUp Utilities Settings Center NEW!
Check for Updates 
Optimization Report

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